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Adding Blog Comments

Posted in KeystoneJS, JavaScript

KeystoneJS does not come with comments for the blog. I wanted to add some so that I can get feedback on my tutorials. I eventually decided to roll with the Disqus comments you see below. It wasn't my first pick, but ultimately, it was the fastest and easiest way to roll.

I started by reaching out to the KeystoneJS Google Group with this thread. A reply to that thread led me to this commit in the sydjs-site repository. I started trying to impliment comments this way, but I am not a fan of server-side rendering. I realize this is a bit of a contradiction since I'm such a KeystoneJS fan and it's *big* on server side rendering. Honestly, I probably would have passed on using KeystoneJS if I hadn't found out how to open the API so that I could pull data from the CMS and do client-side rendering with it.

So true to my nature, I started steps very similar to creating a Front End Widget in order to deal with comments. Here is a pastebin of the model I created in model/PostComment.js. I created an API for accessing the model the same way I did for the Front End Widget. I began doing the front end coding for adding and removing comments to blog posts when a though occured to me: "Can I really do this better than some 'free' option?"

I paused right there and started to look for embeddedable comment options. The two big contenders were Disqus and Discourse. Discourse has the disadvantage of requiring people to navigate away from a page and go to a Discourse forum page to leave a comment. I really didn't want that. I used Disqus when they first came out and it left a bad taste in my mouth. They were really spammy, but so far, I'm pretty happy with the lack of spam. Plus, they let people log in with social network credentials like Google and Facebook, and they integrate comment voting. Both very cool features that I like in the modern web.

So for better or worse, I went with Disqus. It was an easy decision and easy to impliment. I just added their code to the bottom of my templates/views/post.hbs file. Just above their embed code snippet, I added this code: 


{{#if data}}
  <script type="text/javascript">
    var postUrl = 'http://christroutner.com/blog/post/{{data.post.slug}}';
    var postSlug = '{{data.post.slug}}';


I was then able to feed the postUrl and postSlug variables into the default Disqus embed code like this:


var disqus_config = function () { this.page.url = postUrl; // Replace PAGE_URL with your page's canonical URL variable this.page.identifier = postSlug; // Replace PAGE_IDENTIFIER with your page's unique identifier variable };